
2024-04-18 21:07


 在一个学生水平参差不齐的大班课教学意味着什么?/ What does it mean to teach in a large multilevel class?

Student’s previous experience with education-some students have more experience in English classes so the teacher is likely to find that such students are ready and eager to move on to new material while other students are still struggling.


Learners’ expectations of appropriate classroom activities- in this case the teacher have to make clear beforehand the classroom activities they are going to deal with;


Individual student’s personality- the teacher should not forget the importance of individual factors such as intelligence and motivation;


Learning style preference- knowing a person’s learning style such as:


Diverging (feeling and watching)- these students prefer to watch rather than do;


Assimilating (watching and thinking)- these students require good clear explanation rather than practical opportunity;


Converging (doing and thinking)- they can solve problems and make decision by finding solutions to questions;


Accommodating (doing and feeling )- they commonly learn by instinct rather than logical analysis;


应对措施  / Strategies 

Lots of teachers feel out of control in a large multi-level classes, it’s difficult to provide for individual learning styles and to keep them on task. Also it’s hard to motivate the quiet students in a large group setting; sometimes teachers have limited resources for teaching. Here are several strategies for coping with such issues:


Management skills- the teacher would do well first to build up a sense of group feeling within the whole class before breaking the students into groups and also ensure that a variety of small grouping are used, not merely a rigid split among ability lines but depending on the task at hand.


Group work- an important element which requires the teacher management ability for achieving good results. The size of a group varies considerably, depending on the task at hand and also by the number of students in a class. It makes the members of the group interact and communicate with each other. The goal is for students to participate in a conversation, to swap information back and forth, to share knowledge, and to argue out strategies. It is up to the teacher to decide the group types he/she wants to use in different class activities.


差异化教学活动  / ESL multilevel Activities ESL

1. Whole group warm-up 预热活动

Starting class with a whole-group warm-up is a great way to foster a sense of community in a multi-level class. There are a variety of warm-up activities to get students focused on English at the beginning of a class that can be incorporated into a routine. Some warm up activities include; songs, games (hangman, bingo, etc.), quizzes and discussion questions. Reviewing material is also a common warm up activity. Recycling and reinforcement is important in large multilevel classes and doing this at the beginning of class can reinforce concepts learned in previous lessons. Some examples include: expansion activities, answer to questions, making review posters, review of learned vocabulary (for example: person/place/thing).

以全班热身开始上课是培养多层次课堂社区意识的好方法。在课程开始时,有各种各样的热身活动可以让学生专注于英语,这些活动可以融入到日常教学中。热身活动包括:歌曲,游戏(hangman, bingo etc.),小测验和讨论问题等。复习材料也是一种常见的热身活动。循环和强化在学生水平参差不齐的大班课中非常重要,在课程开始时这样做可以强化在以往课程中学到的概念。比如:扩展活动、回答问题、制作复习海报、复习所学词汇(例如:人/地/物)。

2. Information gap exercises 信息差练习

It works great for cross-ability pairs. It requires students to speak and to practice teamwork, working with their classmates to acquire the missing information. Once they’ve learned the information from their classmates, they can fill the “gap” and complete the task or activity. Examples: making a grocery list, complete texts, etc.


3. Crossword puzzles 填字游戏

It works well for cross-ability pairs. Despite their English vocabulary levels, each student will bring a wide variety of knowledge to the group to help fill in the puzzle.


4. Art and images 艺术与图像

Use painting as the basis for class discussions, writing assignments, and vocabulary building. Students of all different levels can participate together by describing photographs. Encourage students to bring in their own pictures and are and find ways to build lessons around them. The students can choose a photo and describe it to the instructor or another student。


5. Peer editing 同伴批改

It allows students to look at each other’s work and make corrections and comments at their own levels. Pre-writing and rough drafts can be done independently. Advanced students can be encouraged to write more and with greater grammatical complexity. Peer editing is then done as a last step before writing the final draft. Students can be encouraged to discuss content as well as grammar and punctuation.


6. Jigsaw reading 拼图式阅读

It’s quick to prepare. The instructor simply selects a reading, pre-teach the vocabulary and grammar, preferably with games, and divide the reading into parts. Each student reads their part of the article or story silently to themselves. Advanced students should be given longer and more challenging passages, and lower level students the short, simpler parts. After reading, you can have the student either write a summary of the article or story, or give it orally. Finally, working together, the students try to reconstruct the article in the correct order, and check it against the original article.


Teaching the multilevel class can be challenging. Teachers have to be flexible to accommodate not only different levels of English learning but also different backgrounds. Meeting everyone’s needs is tough but not impossible, With a little ingenuity and creativity, teaching the multilevel class can be very rewarding.



